Jane Ridgely of St. Mark sorted through old, torn and faded flags during Friday night’s flag burning ceremony at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds in Bretzville.
Corvin Hoffman of Mentor, 9, placed a glow stick in one of the commemorative bags during the luminaria ceremony at the Dubois County Relay for Life on Saturday at Jasper Middle School in Jasper.
John Davidson of Adams, Tenn., from left, Clint Madison of Crofton, Ky., and Bradley Boyd of Princeton, Ky., talked before the Lone Star Rodeo on Saturday at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds in Bretzville.
Ava Fessler of Huntingburg, 7, turned to look behind her as she rode in the caboose of the barrel ride during the town of Stendal's sesquicentennial celebration Saturday.
St. Charles Health Campus resident Betty Wenzel adjusted her superhero mask before welcoming cyclist during the fifth annual Trilogy 200 Wellness Tour on Thursday at the senior living facility in Jasper.
The Rockford Peaches and the Racine Belles chatted in the dugout together before playing at League Stadium on Saturday in Huntingburg during the 25th anniversary celebration of "A League of Their Own." The Peaches and Belles tied 8-8 during the 1940s-themed rematch.
St. Clair of Birdseye deadlifted 500 pounds while training at Total Hardcore Environment Gym in Ferdinand on Monday. St. Clair set a new world record recently, squatting 614 pounds during the national competition of the American Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation on Sunday. St. Clair is training to compete in the ADFPF world competition in Rockland, Massachusetts, this November.
Elijah Dickey of French Lick, 8, held onto his signed baseball as he watched Tuesday night's game at League Stadium in Huntingburg. The Bombers defeated Paducah 8-2.
Teammates congratulated Jasper High School baseball player Josh Weidenbenner after the sophomore smacked a home run while playing whiffle ball at the home of teammate Tanner Egbert on Tuesday afternoon in Ireland. Several of Jasper’s players have been engaging in whiffle ball battles in Egbert’s backyard diamond for years. The Egberts said they enjoy creating ways for the players to bond in a more relaxed setting. Tanner is a senior on this year’s team, but the family is open to extending the tradition even after Tanner’s career ends. The Wildcats will play South Bend St. Joseph in the Class 3A state finals at 2 p.m. Saturday at Victory Field in Indianapolis. A send-off is set for 1 p.m. Friday in the parking lot of The Home Depot on Jasper’s north side.
Father Ryan Hilderbrand, second from right, carried the sacrament of monstrance through the cemetery behind St. Mary's Catholic Church to the alter during a Corpus Christi procession Sunday in Huntingburg.
Madeline Zipp-Nathan of Jasper, 9, peeked out of the box she was decorating during Thursday’s Cardboard Car Project at the Jasper Library Annex. The library provided paint, stickers, plastic plates, cups and more for children to decorate their boxes.
Lane Pelham of Franklin, Tenn., 16, from left, Jamin Turner of Dixon, Tenn., and Oralee Madison of Crofton, Ky., 9, waited for the team roping to begin during the Lone Star Rodeo on Saturday at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds in Bretzville.
Mike Whaley of Otwell drove his tractor in the parade during the town of Stendal's sesquicentennial celebration Saturday.
American Legion Riders Post 147 member Greg Smith of Holland laid a torn flag over the fire during Friday night’s flag burning ceremony at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds in Bretzville. The Dubois County Veterans Council hosted the annual ceremony where more than 2,000 worn and tattered flags were properly disposed of and new flags were available for purchase.